Privacy regulations of Huisartsenpraktijk Bergse Bos

Your personal data and privacy in our general medical practice.


The GDPR is the new law to protect privacy and personal data. Based on this law, any organization that works with personal data has certain duties, and the person to whom the data pertain has certain rights. Besides this general law, there exist specific rules for privacy in health care. These rules are, amongst others, mentioned in the Wet Geneeskundige Behandelingsovereenkomst (WGBO). These privacy regulations are meant to inform you about your rights and our duties on the basis of the GDPR and the WGBO.

General medical practice

In our practice several of your personal data can be processed. This is necessary for proper medical treatment and financial settling of the treatment. Furthermore, processing of your personal data may be necessary, for example, for combatting severe dangers to your health or because of legal obligations (e.g. the obligation to report contagious diseases on the basis of the Wet Publieke Gezondheid).

The duties of the general medical practice

According to the GDPR, Huisartsenpraktijk Bergse Bos is a data controller for those data that are processed in the practice. Our practice complies with its associated duties for the processing of these data in the following ways:

  • Your data are collected for specific purposes:
    • Your care
    • Purposeful management and policy
    • Support of scientific research and education
  • In principle your data are not processed for other purposes.
  • You will be notified about the fact that your personal data are processed. This may be done by your health care provider, or via a flyer or our website.
  • All staff members at Huisartsenpraktijk Bergse Bos are required to handle your personal data with confidentiality.
  • Your personal data are well-protected against unauthorized access.
  • Your personal data are not kept for a longer period of time than is required for the provision of quality health care.

For medical data, in principle this retention period is 15 years (from the moment of the last treatment), unless longer retention is necessary, for example for you or your children’s health. This is up to the general practitioner to decide.

Your rights as a data subject

You have the following rights:

  • The right to know if and which of your personal data are processed.
  • The right to insight in and a transcription of those personal data (as long as that doesn’t undermine someone else’s privacy).
  • The right to correction, addition and deletion of personal data if necessary.
  • The right to request the (partial) destruction of your medical data. This can only be accommodated when the preservation of the data is not of significant importance or legally required.
  • The right to addition of your own statement (of medical nature) to your file.
  • The right to object the processing of your data in some cases.

If you want to exercise your rights, you can make this known to Huisartsenpraktijk Bergse Bos either orally or through an application form. Your interests can also be defended by a representative (such as an authorized representative, or your curator or mentor).

Application form medical data

Explanation of application form

You have to keep in mind that in accordance with the law, medical data will be kept for a maximum of 15 years in principle. You help us in finding your file and protecting your privacy when you fill out the form as completely as possible. The data that you fill in are handled by us with strict confidentiality. Huisartsenpraktijk Bergse Bos is not liable for mistakes related to postal delivery. If you prefer to pick up the file in person, either yourself or by a representative, you can indicate this on the form itself.

Patient data

Here you specify who the data in the medical file pertain to. The Wet Geneeskundige Behandelingsovereenkomst (WGBO) considers the patient of age at 16 years old. A young person of at least 16 years old will have to do the application him- or herself if they want insight in or a transcription of their medical file. In the case that a patient is no longer alive, the provision of the medical data is allowed if can be assumed that the deceased patient would not have objected this, or in the case of substantial interests that warrant the breach of confidentiality of the health care provider. This is up to the health care provider.

Provision of your personal data to third parties

Our staff at Huisartsenpraktijk Bergse Bos have the obligation to handle your personal data with confidentiality. This implies, for example, that the health care provider needs to have your explicit permission for the provision of your personal data to others. There are a few exceptions to this rule. On the basis of a legal requirement or when your or someone else’s life is at stake, the confidentiality of the health care provider may be breached. Moreover, recorded data can be exchanged orally, in writing or digitally with other health care providers (for example, the pharmacist who processes your prescription and receives data from your general practitioner) when necessary.

Exchange of data

Huisartsenpraktijk Bergse Bos safely and reliably exchanges relevant medical data with general practitioners affiliated with the observer group Hillegersberg (HAGRO Hillegersberg) to ensure adequate observation. Medical data can also be shared with uw pharmacy and your treating medical specialists. This concerns medication that your general practitioner has prescribed to you, but also any possible intolerances, contraindications and allergies (ICA data) you may have. Other prescribers and providers of medication can then take that into account. In this way, we as a general medical practice contribute to your medication safety.

For the time being, our practice does not share medical data to the general practitioners’ center through the NEP (National Exchange Point). We feel like this system is not yet compliant with all privacy safety regulations.

Handover of your file

If you choose a new general practitioner, it is important to make sure that he or she knows about your medical history. Your medical history is described in your patient’s file. It is customary that your previous general practitioner hands this file over to your new general practitioner. The previous general practitioner will do this as soon as possible, in any case within 1 month after you have asked him or her to handover the file to the new general practitioner.

Your medical file will be transferred personally or via certified mail. You cannot receive the original file. You do have the right to insight in your file and a copy of the file. The file may also (if possible) be transferred to the new general practitioner via mail. In this case, both general practitioners have to ensure that their pc’s and internet connections are adequately secure.

Question or complaint

Do you have a question or complaint? Perhaps about with whom we share data or our handling of your medical data? Your general practitioner will gladly discuss this with you.