Do you have a complaint about our practice and/or about our staff, then we would like to hear about that. We always take possible complaints seriously and will handle these with care. You can also come to us with complaints pertaining to medical issues. You can request a conversation through the doctor’s assistant. If we don’t manage to resolve your complaint together, you can speak to an independent and impartial complaints officer. He or she will look for a resolution to your complaint. The complaints officer can mediate in the complaint. Everything you tell the complaints officer is strictly confidential.
You can find the complaint form on the SKGE website. The complaints officer is reachable at the telephone number 088 – 022 91 90.
If you and your general practitioner, with mediation by the complaints officer, do not come to a resolution of the issue, you can go to the independent dispute body general practitioner care. The commission will be assisted by a secretary who is also a lawyer. The verdict of the dispute body is binding.
We also refer to the complaint regulation by the LHV.